The Working Holiday Visa
The Working Holiday Visa (WHV) is designed to facilitate international mobility for young adults between 18 and 35 years old, with the goal of fostering greater cultural exchange and understanding among young people.
While visa denials and revocations present significant challenges, Grossman Young & Hammond has substantive experience in successfully handling these matters. The firm employs multi-faceted legal strategies to information gather, challenge wrongful inadmissibility determinations, and strengthen the Client’s visa profile. With decades of experience in handling high-profile matters and complex cross-border issues, GYH understands how to address key concerns underlying visa refusals and showcase the client’s positive influence on U.S. interests with precision and impact. GYH will design and execute a client-centered, nuanced strategy to restore critical U.S. travel privileges.
We understand that our clients demand and deserve a law firm that will prioritize their case. GYH attorneys handling visa denials and revocations are committed to pursuing their client’s cases aggressively, strategically, and thoughtfully.
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