Did you know GYH can help with your outbound immigration needs?  We have a vast network of local counsel around the globe and offer consultations and representation for both global and U.S. immigration matters. Stay tuned for a series of guest blogs from our international local counsel network about immigration options in their home countries. 

Italian Residence by Investment

In anticipation of the election, GYH received an influx of questions about acquiring second passports. In response, we kicked off a series of guest blogs on global immigration through investment and ancestry, written by our vast network of local counsel around the globe. Marco Mazzeschi, longtime friend of the firm and part of our network in Italy, recently published an article on Italy’s “Golden Visa” in Medium.

View his article and one-pager on Italy’s Investor Visa below.

Mazzeschi Legal Counsels is the largest immigration provider in Italy and assists more than 100 of the Fortune 500 companies.

With a multilingual team of experienced lawyers, immigration/citizenship consultants, paralegals, and 100+ local counselors, we assist clients in all parts of the country.

Our Multilingual Service Desks is an integrated part of our team, with native Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese speaking associates serving as a contact point for both foreign companies and individuals.